Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 6- Arc de Triomphe on Bastille Day

We are a little bummed that we are sleeping until 11 am when all of Paris is waiting for us to come and explore!! We get into the city again around 2 pm. Today we went to the Arc de Triomphe. It was really neat because in the center of the arc they had a huge French flag Flying for Bastille Day, June 14. There were a lot of military people all dressed in their issued clothing at the plaza and in the streets. They were mostly travelling in groups and I wondered if it was their assigned duty to be out in uniform or if they just were partiotic and maybe like the attention. Everyone was taking their picture and asking to have pictures taken w/ them. They were like celebrities! There were a lot of people in the metro and on the streets! We made our way to Pauls on the Champs-Elyees for a tasty mozzerella, tomatoe, pesto sandwich and then to the park. Everything is so lovely! What a fun day!!

Pictures coming soon!!!

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